David Bowie és, des d'avui, etern. El cop per la seva mort ha estat molt més dur del que imaginàvem, i és que la llegendària figura de 69 anys ha estat víctima d'un càncer fulminant que ha acabat amb la vida d'un artista que ha influït com pocs en la música i l'estètica durant més de 50 anys. Avui a les 7.30 h del matí un post al compte oficial de Bowie a Facebook i a Twitter anunciaven la mort del geni. Poc després, un emocionant tuit del seu fill, el director de cinema Duncan Jones, obria un seguit de piulades a la xarxa social que deien adéu a un dels més grans.
Aquests són alguns dels tuits que han fet persones relacionades amb la cultura per acomiadar-se de David Bowie.
Fins sempre, heroi!

January 10 2016 - David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle... https://t.co/ENRSiT43Zy
— David Bowie Official (@DavidBowieReal) 11 gener, 2016
Very sorry and sad to say it's true. I'll be offline for a while. Love to all. pic.twitter.com/Kh2fq3tf9m
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) 11 gener, 2016
I will never forget you brushing my hair one day whilst we filmed absolute beginners.. Heart broken #RIPDavidBowie x pic.twitter.com/2lNVngA742
— Patsy Kensit (@patsy_kensit) 11 gener, 2016
All Bowie, all night. Heroes,Cat People,Under The God,Scary Monsters,Ziggy Stardust, SuffragetteCity #RIPDavidBowie pic.twitter.com/c7svVnfjvk
— Tom Morello (@tmorello) 11 gener, 2016
RIP David Bowie. A true InspIration pic.twitter.com/My0BrfSqgS
— PIXIES (@PIXIES) 11 gener, 2016
I just lost a hero. RIP David Bowie.
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) 11 gener, 2016
David Bowie, Garfunkel & Simon, Ono & Lennon, Roberta Flack, 1975: #Gruen pic.twitter.com/a2fnrjDFkV
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) 11 gener, 2016
Bowie was the only pop star from my schooldays who wasn't dismayed by punk. It inspired him and he inspired it. A truly transcendent artist.
— Billy Bragg (@billybragg) 11 gener, 2016
#DavidBowie signs autographs for fans from his front room window at his home in Brixton, 1980s. #oldlondon pic.twitter.com/gcLcDLwHDP
— Old London (@GreatestCapital) 11 gener, 2016
@GreatestCapital @adamackland pic.twitter.com/3RImvoEuku
— Miss Marlene Sane ♥ (@lady_envyy) 11 gener, 2016
The stars look very different today #DavidBowie
— Sala Apolo (@Sala_Apolo) 11 gener, 2016
I love you forever, David Bowie. https://t.co/N6lwpX7CvO
— Edwyn Collins (@EdwynCollins) 11 gener, 2016
David Bowie has died. Where will we live now?
— Caitlin Moran (@caitlinmoran) 11 gener, 2016
Imposible no sumarse a las muestras de agradecimiento y amor hacia BOWIE. Demasiados discos increíbles. Descomunal. pic.twitter.com/6THs3e9Yl5
— Dorian (@Dorian_Oficial) 11 gener, 2016
I grew up listening to and watching the pop genius David Bowie. He was a master of re-invention, who kept getting it right. A huge loss.
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) 11 gener, 2016
RIP David Bowie. The force was strong with this one. pic.twitter.com/1CBlDYSwFg
— Bad Father Han Solo (@BadFatherHan) 11 gener, 2016
Flowers & tributes for David #Bowie at the spot where the #ZiggyStardust album cover was shot in London. pic.twitter.com/IjurKgpVRk
— Melissa Clarke (@Clarke_Melissa) 11 gener, 2016
Londoners leave touching tributes to Brixton boy David Bowie https://t.co/9QOTlk82zQ pic.twitter.com/ymRDxewdGJ
— Twistools (@twistools_en) 11 gener, 2016
RIP David Bowie, true legend pic.twitter.com/Q3oFd1mV83
— jean jullien (@jean_jullien) 11 gener, 2016
David Bowie was one of my most important inspirations, so fearless, so creative, he gave us magic for a lifetime.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 11 gener, 2016
Legend. #DavidBowie Rest in peace. I took this pic when we played Glastonbury with him in 2000. He was so beautiful pic.twitter.com/FoVkDg9qOY
— Rowetta (@Rowetta) 11 gener, 2016
Please could every radio station around the globe just play David Bowie music today - I think the world owes him that.
— Eddie Izzard (@eddieizzard) 11 gener, 2016
So lucky to have met you!!!! Hot Tramp I love you So! ❤️ #rebelheart pic.twitter.com/INKPRCeofK
— Madonna (@Madonna) 11 gener, 2016
Nicely done @RitzyCinema #DavidBowie #Brixton pic.twitter.com/Qv0G4xMn8S
— Emma Barnett (@Emmabarnett) 11 gener, 2016
David Bowie's music, over the years, has meant more to me than I can say. We have lost someone who imparted comfort and strength to us.
— The Mountain Goats (@mountain_goats) 11 gener, 2016