
De Rio a Copenhaguen, el millor street art inspirant en la situació actual

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Claudia Ibáñez

Aquests dies a casa, l'art s'ha convertit en una vàlvula d'escapament per a moltes persones. Ja sigui visitant museus o galeries des de casa, o creant obres d'art casolanes com les que recopila el Covid Museum, queda demostrat que l'art és entre nosaltres fins i tot en els moments més difícils.

I mentre la majoria ens quedem a casa, el llenç més gran el món, els carrers, està buit. Per això, molts artistes de l'street art han aprofitat per deixar volar la imaginació i, inspirats per la situació sense precedents en la qual ens trobem, han creat noves obres d'art.

Com que no podem viatjar o passejar, aquí us deixem un recull de l'street art més sorprenent que ha nascut arran de l'estat d'alarma mundial. Ens trobem davant el naixement d'un nou corrent artístic?

Glasgow, Regne Unit

Pompeia, Itàlia

San Francisco, Estats Units

Varsòvia, Polònia

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"Not every hero wears a cape", says this new mural created by Good Looking Studio in central Warsaw which pays tribute to health workers.💝 @goodlooking_studio @natematpl Here are some facts about the extremely difficult situation of medical personnel battling the coronavirus pandemic day and night: -- At least 66 medical workers have died in Italy during the coronavirus epidemic.🇮🇹 -- In Spain, around 15% of all those infected are health workers.🇪🇸 -- In many places around the world, including Poland, medical workers have to worry not only about catching the virus themselves, some have even lost their jobs after they decided to speak out about the challenges they are facing. -- In hard-hit United States, overwhelmed hospitals and doctors are already preparing for future lawsuits as they have to make quick life-and-death decisions on who will get life-saving treatments and who will not.😳 -- In Romania, President Klaus Iohannis has announced that doctors and other medical personnel dealing with coronavirus cases will receive a monthly bonus of about 500 euros.👏👏 #thankyouhealthcareworkers #thankyouheroes #dziekujemy #lekarze #sluzbazdrowia #służbazdrowia #healthworkers #tamka #powisle #warszawa #warsaw #warschau #varsovia #instawarszawa #instawarsaw #igerswarsaw #poland #polska #polen #mural #streetart #streetartwarsaw #coronavirusstreetart #koronawirus #superman #huaweip20pro #shotonhuawei #traveldestination #travelnews #travelstories

Una publicación compartida de Radek Alf (@raddarwarsaw) el

Bryne, Noruega

Viena, Àustria

Londres, Regne Unit

Miami, Estats Units 

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COVID-19 wrecking everything. Found this chaotic wall to paint a new piece out on the water.

Una publicación compartida de HULA | sean yoro (@the_hula) el

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Tartu, Estònia

Los Angeles, Estats Units

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Stay safe!😷 . I did that Mural days ago. Now I’m staying home as everyone! . We all are going through this together. There is a reason which we will see after all. It’s time to look at ourselves. Take a look at what are we doing with the planet and our lifetime. Mb we should change our priorities? Mb we should slowdown? Mb we should take a look around and start respect our planet and all those with whom we share it? Mb someone is trying to hide some changes? Or economic collapse? Mb one more step to a new world order? . There is definitely a reason. And not just one. . P.s. please stay inside! I promise to come back to Venice when it will be over and paint. So let’s meet there when everything will be fine. But for now please stay inside! . Stay safe ! Sending you love ! . Thanks to @max__kote for 📸 from a distance 🙌🏻 . . . #venice #venicebeach #corona #covid_19 #stayhome #staysafe #streetart #italy #usa #china #russia #spain #germany #iran #france #switzerland #southkorea #UK #netherlands #austria #belgium #norway #canada #portugal #sweden #australia #brazil #israel #japan #turkey

Una publicación compartida de Pony Wave (@ponywave) el

Copenhaguen, Dinamarca

NO T'HO PERDIS: Banksy transforma el seu lavabo en una de les seves obres


Les millors idees d'oci i cultura per fer a casa a la nova Time In Pocket interactiva

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