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An extraordinary film anywhere, not least in Korea, this heightened melodrama is often cited as the uneven maverick Kim Ki-Young's masterpiece. It's a deliberately overblown, if deadpan and Hitchcockian tale of a music teacher's demise through the twin agencies of his wife's greed (she wants a two-storey house) and his maidservant's supposed sexual predatoriness (she comes on like Kathleen Byron in Black Narcissus). Kim's is a bleak, Nietzschean view of human motivation, and the whole, with its jazz-score, location shooting, hot-house Sirkian drama and Clouseau-like horror suspense makes for a notably delirious experience.
Release Details
Duration:90 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Kim Ki-Young
Lee Un-shim
Chu Jung-nyo
Kim Chin-kyu
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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